Thursday, March 10, 2011

endings | new beginings

landon had to say goodbye to his
occupational therapist (ann-marie)
speech therapist (karrie)
his caseworker (amy).

since landon is turning three next week
he is no longer eligible for the NC infant-toddler program.
we are so grateful that landon was able to be part of such a wonderful program.
he has come so far and accomplished so much because of it.

thank you for
your time
your compassion
your determination
your love.


now for the new beginning...
landon has been accepted into the
NC preschool program for special needs.
he will meet his teacher next week and will start the following week.
landon will attend preschool once a week
and he will receive his therapy while he is there.

what endings or new beginnings are going on in your life?


Sissy Jackson said...

You cute thing. I love all of the great programs that they have out there. We are so blessed to have the darling kids that we have. Makes us love more...

Harmony said...

How great! Good luck with the new program. Your boy is just TOO cute for words!