Thursday, December 23, 2010


making and decorating gingerbread houses
has been a tradition in our family for many years
but, i didn't know if we would be able to find the time this year.

yesterday after therapy i had a few extra minutes, so i hurried
and mixed up a batch of gingerbread dough,
pressed it into the mold,
and popped it in the oven.

today after therapy and and a few errands,
we had time to make the icing and
decorate our houses.

braxton made 8 reindeer,
ethan made santa's sleigh,
kaden put up the lights,
and landon had fun licking his fingers.

what a great tradition.

what traditions do you have?


Beckey said...

It is a great tradition! The funny thing is that our family does this every year but it started one year when I decorated gingerbread houses at your parents house about...15 years ago or so! I love it! Yours are super cute...I guess I need to find a mold to make them. I always buy one which I decorate and then the kids each make a house out of graham crackers which they decorate. They love it too....if you get a chance let me know where you got your mold! Thanks! P.S. I LOVE the pretzels on the side for the log cabin look...I never would have thought of that!

Sheffers said...

Your houses are amazing! we need to come to your house and learn how! Our favorite tradition is to make a new ornament every year. Then when the kids grow up and move out of the house they can inherit there masterpieces!