Friday, June 17, 2011

ethan has contacts

today i had an eye appointment for Braxton & Ethan.
I knew braxton was needing a new prescription because he has been squinting a lot,
even when wearing his glasses/contacts.
ethan has also been complaining that he can't see the board very well a school,
but we weren't sure if he really needed glasses/contacts.

well, it is official...
ethan has contacts.
we will be ordering his glasses tomorrow,
but until then he will be wearing contacts.

he learned to put them in today.
it took a few tries to get used to it,
but overall he does pretty good.

i was hoping all the kids would take after me,
but so far the odds are against us.

1 comment:

Sissy Jackson said...

Your boys are getting so BIG! Makes me SAD! What a cutie! No way I could stick my FINGER in my eye!