Thursday, May 27, 2010


On Sunday, Kaden took a fall. He was running and tripped right into our little rocking chair. He hit his cheek & eye so hard. He usually falls, gets back up & says "I'm Okay, I'm Okay!", so when he didn't do that, I new he was hurt pretty bad. He cried so hard, making it hard for him to breath.

The result of Kaden -vs- a Rocking Chair...

Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
I am sure I look like an abusive mom when I walk into the grocery store. I have Kaden with a black eye and Landon with his therapy cast on his arm. What would you think???


The Cobells said...

Oh, man poor guy. He is still cute.

camjackieward said...

Lorelei did that once but hit her cheek on a cement porch. It was awful, but I had to document it. Good thing they usually bounce back pretty quick and don't remember it.

Amy said...

I still think you are the greatest mom!!!

Sissy Jackson said...

You poor little mama. You beat the CRAP out of your kid...POOR KID! You are my kind of mom!

Kim H. said...

You can tell you are a good mom from a mile away. There was a kid on G's t-ball team that looked just like that because he got hit by a bat.

Sheffers said...

OUCH is right. Holy smokes poor guy. I hope he got his favorite ice cream while you where at the store. I hope he gets better soon, and I still think your number one mom in my book.

Alicia said...

Wow, too bad it always looks worse before better. Still such a cute little guy though!

Mandee said...

Ouch! Is right. That looks like it would hurt. Poor kid. But I do know that you are an amazing mom! love and miss you all.

Amanda Goldsmith said...

WOW! That poor kid!

Christina said...

Wow! that hurt! Poor guy! Crazy how it can grow and deepen in color like that. Glad he's okay.